GOP Political Disrespect and Tomfoolery

You have to love the disrespect and all out bravura of the GOP and it’s followers.

It seems that the GOP has decided that being outlandish with their claims, okay LYING about EVERYTHING, and being childish in their actions is the best way to win the White House.

First we have Mitt Romney misrepresenting the facts pertaining to Pres. Obama raising corporate taxes a couple days ago. The Closeted Ken Doll Rick Santorum saying that rape victims who are impregnated by their rapist should just, ‘make the best out of a bad situation’,  and all the campaign rhetoric we can handle. All of this and it’s ONLY JANUARY!

I didn’t even throw in there the ‘encounter’ Arizona Governor Jan Brewer had with the Pres. She had the audacity to wag her finger in his face. Wow! That’s all I can say about that. It boggles my mind as to what would make her think that was okay. Sure there are people saying that President Obama should ‘grow a thick skin’ and get over it, but to just out and out disrespect the Office of President like that is shameful.  A commenter on the Huffington Post article put it best, “If and when there is ever the next Republican President and some Independent or Democratic politician acts that way towards that President , the GOP will cry holy insurrecti­on for such disrespect. There is a time and place for such things, confrontations and exchanges, even in public politics.”

But it’s not like this is anything new. Let me refresh your memory of Rep. Joe Wilson yelled out “You lie!” during a health care reform speech the President was delivering back in 2009. Of course, Mr. Wilson (I will NOT make a joke about Dennis the Menace) ‘apologised,’ but even his apology was condescending and contained fibbing. He continued to say that the President planned to include immigrants in health care coverage, none of which was ever stated. Actually the opposite was said; he DIDN’T want to include them.

At what point do Republicans see that they are making a mockery of the democratic process of this country? When do they stop with the name slinging, hate mongering, wealthy butt-kissing, and misrepresentation?

Yes, I know you are reading this and saying, ‘Well look you stooping to their level and name calling, Androidiva,’ but I have the RIGHT to do so. The reason you can even read something like this is the fact of the lovely First Amendment. And don’t get me wrong, I trust NO ONE! I’m not some staunch liberal or care-free Republican. I weigh all the options and issues then make an intelligent decision. But I do tend to lean on the Democratic side. Especially since the Republican party sees fit to exclude most of us.

All in all, this is shaping up to be a very ugly election year. It may even be worse than the whole of us trying to get President Obama in office in 2008. We all have to take responsibility and do our own research. Learn the truth and don’t take what these politicians say at face value. Because many times, the information they give us isn’t exactly the truth. The people we choose to lead us should show some respect and dip back into the ‘values’ they so love to tout.

Trust no one. Understand the issues. Stop ‘stirring the evil pot’ with the GOP. Find the truth for yourself!