Super Bowl 2012: M.I.A. Let the Birds Fly

I don’t care who you are, or how much you may hate the Original Queen of Pop now, you have to give it up that Madonna rocked the halftime show of the 2012 Super Bowl. I will also grant you that it was something like an updated, live version of The Immaculate Collection, but it was good. It was, dare I say it, FLAWLESS!

Then again, that wouldn’t exactly be the truth. When I first saw it, I did what everyone else did; I just thought maybe I didn’t see it. I did a double-take and passed it off as some weird glitch of my eyes and ears. Yeah, I’m talking about the fact that  M.I.A joined Madge on stage along with Nicki Minaj and just as everything was going smoothly, she ‘flipped the bird’ to the NBC cameras.

NBC tried to catch it by blurring the screen immediately after she did it, but they were too late. Trying to head off the perceived backlash, NBC and the NFL have apologized.

“We apologize for the inappropriate gesture that aired during halftime,” NBC spokesman Christopher McCloskey said. “It was a spontaneous gesture that our delay system caught late.”

To be totally honest, I could not care less about the whole thing. I’m no prude when it comes to cursing. (The mouth I have would make a hardened Sailor blush!) However, I could understand that there would be families watching with their kids and parents could be upset. Yet this brings another question to mind. Would a child have even noticed it if all the adults around them weren’t making such a big deal about it?

I mean, come on. I am a quite observant person and I hardly noticed it. The whole thing reminds me of when you’re doing any kind of performance on stage. You’re taught to just keep going and not even acknowledge that anything went wrong. It becomes a whole game of would the kids be bothered to say anything about it if their parents didn’t say something happened? In this case, I don’t think so. Although now they can look for it online and see exactly what their parents were going on about.

Do a quick search on Google and you’ll find articles about this outnumber any about  the Giants winning! This fact makes absobloodylutely no sense. M.I.A. was on stage for only a few moments and the world has imploded. If you left it up to me I’d prefer the 2004 Justin Timberlake/Janet Jackson, ahem, “wardrobe” malfunction. Before this, I didn’t really care for the music of M.I.A or even Nicki Minaj for that matter. Sure they are award-winning performers, but they aren’t exactly my type of thing.

Overall, I think everyone is making a big deal out of nothing. I’ve seen adverts on TV talking about erectile dysfunction which I don’t need as a woman that I wish I could UNSEE. (Especially when certain politicians were hocking it a few years ago, eww). Stop making a big deal out of it and let’s pat the winners of the game on the back for, well, winning!

Way to go men of the New York Giants. Well played!

(Yes, I do realize that I am no better than those already talking about this)